Are Dating and courtship out dated?

Are Dating and courtship out dated? When I was a little girl I grew up watching movies and hearing stories from my parents about dating. You would see in the movies the young man bringing the girl some flowers, taking her to dinner, opening every door, taking her to a movie, and then dropping her off at night with a kiss or hug goodbye. As for my parents I grew up hearing their stories of having a picnic in a phone booth or going on scavenger hunts. How my dad would call the house and ask my Grandpa’s permission to take my mom on a date that night. So, its safe to say that when I got to high school and started dating I was quite disappointed to find that was not what dating was for my generation at all. I found that instead of asking a girl on a date that a guy would ask you to hang out at his house with his friends and get your number. He would start texting you and you would keep hanging out...