Being The Same Is Boring Anyway

Growing up I had two older brothers who I always wanted to be like. They were strong, brave, cool and I wanted to do everything they did. I would tag a long, most of the time this was fine but then there were times I just couldn’t keep up. And sometimes I just couldn’t understand them. Like when them and their friends would destroy my barbies in many different ways. I remember so many times just crying because I just wanted to be one of the boys. In today's world they would tell me that I can, and that my brothers and parents were oppressing me or forcing me to fill the role of a dainty girl. But I am thankful for parents who taught me something different. They taught me that I was a wonderful beautiful amazing girl who could do anything I wanted or put my mind too. 
From there my prospective changed it wasn’t about being like them but being me. There are certain things about me that make me different and that’s great. I soon learned how to use this to my advantage learning how to ride my bike without training wheels at the age of 4 in a hour because I wanted to. Being a cute “happy cloud” for Halloween because I wanted to. Getting better grades then my brothers because I wanted to. I found what I was good at and that’s what mattered. I am proud to be a woman and I’m proud that I am not like men. I don’t want to be like men. Yes, I want the same opportunity’s in life and freedoms but that does not mean I have to be exactly like them.
There is a natural complementary factor between men and women. Its wonderful to see what each gender brings. For example, women can be highly aware of multiple things at once. It’s how their brain works. They can be cleaning and thinking about there children and how they help them in each of their situations and oh yeah what should I do for my moms’ birthday, and it just never ends. Women are constantly thinking. While men on the other hand scientists have found can on focus on one thing at a time and they put all there mental capacity into that one subject or thing. If we just take these differences, we can see how helpful this would be in both a work and family setting.
In the work place a man co worker is so focused on this one project he is giving so much attention to detail and is doing a fabulous job, but he is forgetting about a few other things that need to be done. His partner a woman co worker is working on the project with him and because of the way she thinks is aware of the other things and splits her time and reminds him of the other deadlines. This allows for a good partnership where all projects are done and at great detail. In a family the mom will be aware of all her children and there needs constantly thinking and trying new things to help while the father focuses one thing at a time that would not be to enjoyable if he was to be focused on other things like work or fixing the dishwasher. Together they complement each other and make a good team providing for all the needs of there children. 
I personally believe we need to stop worrying so much about what the opposite gender can do that we can’t and trying to make ourselves get and be like them and realize what amazing qualities we have that they don’t and running with them to be successful in any field or capacity. I think only then will we find the true happiness and equality that so many people are seeking. We are born and made to be different, so we should be different. Being the same is boring anyway. 


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